Falk Taper Grid Coupling

  • Type TH (Horizontal Split Aluminum Cover)
  • Type TV (Vertical Split Steel Cover)
  • Type THS (Full Spacer)/(Half Spacer)
  • Type TBW (Brake Wheel)

We can get more favourable conscience and cost down by using the
WCC Taper Grid Steel Flexible Coupling.

    The movement of the grid in the lubricated grooves accommodates parallel misalignment and steel permits full functioning of the grid-groove action in damping out shock and vibration.
    Under angular misalignment, the grid-groove design permits a rocking and sliding action of the lubricated grid and hubs without any loss of power through the resilient grid.
    Unrestrained end float for both driving and driven members is permitted because the grid slides freely in the lubricated grooves. It can also be limited to any required amount.
    Torsional flexibility is the ability of Wcc Taper Grid Couplings to torsionally deflect when subjected to normal, shock or vibratory loads, providing flexible accommodation to changing.

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Characteristic & Meriti
Falk Taper Grid Coupling

We can get more favourable conscience and cost down by using the WCC Taper Grid Steel Flexible Coupling.

    The movement of the grid in the lubricated grooves accommodates parallel misalignment and steel permits full functioning of the grid-groove action in damping out shock and vibration.
    Under angular misalignment, the grid groove design permits a rocking and sliding action of the lubricated grid and hubs without any loss of power through the resilient grid.
    End Float for both driving and driven members is permitted because the grid slides freely in the lubricated grooves.
    Torsional flexibility is the advantage of WCC Taper Grid Coupling, Providing flexible accommodation to changing load conditions.